The leadership team here at Edgewater is closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation.  Today, we watched the World Health Organization declare this new virus which was unknown to the world just three short months ago, a global pandemic.  Over the last three months, the virus has spread to more than 121,000 people from Asia to the Middle East, through Europe and now the United States.  Please know that the leadership team here at Edgewater takes your welfare very seriously and will do our best to keep you informed with any new information that will help you stay safe in the event of an emergency.

As this situation continues to unfold we will continue with a business-as-usual mentality in an effort to support our customers and their projects to the best of our ability.  At times we know there will be projects that require team members to travel.  Please know that we will be carefully monitoring the airline industry and are paying close attention to any travel restrictions that are in place.  In the event that we experience a situation where any restrictions are in place, we will do our best to develop a plan that allows everyone to stay safe.  Edgewater will not send our employees into any areas that are deemed to be high risk.  Instead, we will work with our customers to make the best decision possible to support both them our team members.

We would urge you to be vigilant in following areas:

  • If you have a fever or flu-like symptoms, please stay home until you have been fever-free without medications for 24 hours or have seen a health care provider
    • A doctors note is encouraged prior to you returning to work
  • Stay home if you have respiratory symptoms including coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath and/or a temperature above 100.4 F
    • Immediately notify your supervisor if you develop these symptoms while at work and leave promptly to seek medical attention
  • If you have traveled to areas with COVID-19 outbreaks monitor your health closely for the next 14 days
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to help fight off germs
  • Use antiseptic wipes to wipe down any surfaces such as door handles or desks
  • Try to avoid touching your face unless you have just washed your hands
  • Try to avoid shaking hands with anyone, instead use a fist bump, elbow bump or even a chest bump 😊
  • Shield coughs and sneezes with a tissue, elbow, or shoulder, do not use your bare hands
  • Practice good hand washing frequently
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

Should you have any further questions about how Edgewater is managing this situation, please feel free to contact any members of the leadership team here.